Friday, October 5, 2007



*Enact a new federal budget process
*Reform Social Security and Medicare to reduce liabilities while improving retirement programs
*Enact a Taxpayers' Bill of Rights
*Terminate the federal highway program and transfer existing funding mechanisms and responsibilities to the states.
*Enact legislation to make the tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 permanent.
*Reform the tax code by adopting a single rate, flat income tax that taxes all income once and at its source.
*Take a variety of steps, up to and including an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, to preserve and protect marriage as a fundamental social institution and to protect it from activist judges.
*Reform the remaining welfare programs, such as food stamps and public housing, to require work as a condition for receiving aid
*Maximize personal choice and free market competition and replace the current Medicare financing with a system of "premium support" that is adjusted for Medicare patients age, health costs, and income.
*Create Social Security personal retirement accounts that workers would own and could use to build nest eggs for retirement.

*Wage a global war of ideas to discredit bin Laden's harsh totalitarian vision of Islam.
*Refine the organization of the Department of Homeland Security
*Develop appropriate global basing infrastructure at home and abroad.
*Appoint a Public Diplomacy Coordinator to sit as a director in the National Security Council.
*Enact a new initiative permitting creation of a Global Free Trade Alliance (GFTA) among countries already committed to open markets and economic freedom.
*Work to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, particularly in rogue states such as Iran and Syria.
*Restructure federal homeland security grants to state and local governments.
*Continue to press for increased NATO flexibility centered on the increased use of the Combined Joint Task Force mechanism.
*Rethink the "one China" policy.
*Support the Millennium Challenge Account.

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